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It's comparison time. Doing these is not only great for you, but it helps me purge! If I kept every sing polish, I would need like 25 helmers. No thanks. Plus helmers have doubled in priced! So let’s take a look!
I wanted to compare the minis to the full size, but I purged some. Oh well! But I did compare with what I do have. If you have any suggestions, I will try to compare.
Left to Right: Frankie, Sonja, Alora, Joyce, Ali
Ali had the worst formula and is very close to Joyce, so buh bye! I
purged the Alora mini cause it stained me so badly so I could not
Left to Right: Zelda, mini Loni, Loni, Gigi
I swear mini Loni has more orange but they are close enough, so the
mini goes to my niece (she will LOVE the mini size). Zelda is sooo sheer compared to Loni, so buh bye
Left to Right: Mini Yohanna, full size Yohanna
They are very close but the full size is a slightly better formula so the mini will go to my niece. I added Candy next to this after and it was way paler and brighter so I did not take more pics.
Left to Right: Brinkley, mini Soraya, Soraya
Brinkley and Soraya are in the same collection but clearly not
close. Mini Soraya had a worse formula and does not seem as bright. Off
to my niece. After these pics, I added Paisley next to them and there is just no comparison.
Left to Right: Heidi, Bodhi, Cora, Elodie
Y'all, Heide and Elodie are OLD! They came out in 2008 but I got them
in 2012. Obviously, these formulas are just not as good now. They are
sheer jellies. I don't need them in my life. Cora looked much
closer to Bodhi in the bottle, but nothing alike once swatched.
Left to Right: Darcy, Taji
Both have the slightest shimmer but Darcy is darker. I love a good
yellow and both of these are great formulas, so I am keeping both. I thought Taji was darker but not compared to Darcy.
Left to Right: mini Avani, full size Avani
These appear to look the same but the full size is a better formula and more opaque. Off to my niece!
Left to Right: Robyn, mini Pluto, Marisol, Rocky
Beachy Brights was Pluto but then they switched it out for Marisol in Beachy Brights 2 and they are
definitely different. I really though Robyn was brighter and I was
surprised how dark it looks now. It is way brighter in the bottle. And
Rocky looks so dull. For now, I am keeping them all.
I always appreciate your comparisons. Your niece is lucky to have you . Thanks for sharing 💜
ReplyDeletethank you for the swatches! they're extremely helpful!