Monday, January 6, 2025

Happy New Year! First Manicure of 2025

 Press Sample

So I’ll shock you (or not). I went into 2025 with nothing on my nails! Right before new years, I got sick again. Ugh I was sick five times in 2024 so my 2025 goal is to somehow boost my immune system. I had actually mapped out what I was going to do for my nails as I wanted something sparkly. I pulled out some older sparkly nail polishes and then I started thinning sparkly old nail polishes. Maybe one of my 2025 goals will also be to pull out old nail polishes and thin what needs to be thinned and toss what can’t be fixed. Anyway, I finally did my nails, so although they were not my New Year's Eve nails, they were my new year nails!

I haven’t done fireworks nail art in a really long time and I’ve sort of just lingered around doing sparkly nails on New Year’s Eve. Despite feeling sick and not prioritizing doing my nails, I still loved the glitter combo I picked out so I decided to still do my intended look. Sparkles are appropriate year-round.

Here are the two colors!

  • Base: Stella Chroma Fair Weather Cumulus (almost did Zoya Celestia as the base, which is stunning). I did three VERY thin coats! My nails are quite long right now (knock on wood)
  • Glitter tips: Poetry Cowgirl Cowgirls at Carnival


I love this Poetry Cowgirl nail polish! The combo of the microglitters with the shifty multicolored flakes is perfection. It is perfect for a gradient. I especially love it over the soft Stella Chroma base. It is so multi-colored and these photos (in a random room in my home) showed off the variety of colors the best! I took wayyyy too many photos of a single manicure, because this one was a doozy to photograph!

Here it is in my normal photograph lighting. You can see the purple base of Fair Weather Cumulus and the rich coppery shimmer. You can also see the metallic colors of the Poetry Cowgirl nail polish. Trust me, this combination was fabulous!

2025 will (hopefully) be a big year for me. I will be starting recruitment for my research this month (cross your fingers I recruit enough participants!) and then hopefully start data collection. This will then turn into my data analysis stage, and writing the final two chapters of my dissertation. As I mentioned earlier, you can do all the research of requirements of a program, but it is not until you live it that you understand (and it is exhausting). By the end of this year, I should become a doctor of education. I am also hoping that I spend more time on my leisure reading because I think it really helps balance and sustain my brain from all my research. Also, TRAVEL! I only went on one small trip in 2024 and I really need travel back in my life!

Products in the post were provided for honest review.

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  1. I'm sorry to hear you were sick again. Happy to see you were able to do this mani. I love everything about it. It is fabulous. All the best to you in the New Year . Thanks for sharing 💜

    1. I love pulling out old glitters too. This one was perfect. Happy New Year!! Hope it is wonderful so far.

  2. "Stella Chroma Fair Weather Cumulus" is gorgeous! I wish you a very Happy New Year, no more problems with your health, lot of happy days and love! :-)


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