Monday, March 17, 2025

St. Patrick’s Day Green and Gold Nail Art

Press Sample

Hello from the girl whose nails just will not grow. No matter what I do, my nails continue to break and so I finally gave up and started some swatch of some older polishes, despite my nails being short. But I decided to share some festive golden green nail art for St. Patrick’s Day before sharing the other ones. I completely missed Valentine’s Day, nail art, and Mardi Gras nail art which really bummed me out so I decided to do something for St. Patrick’s Day. So let’s check this out.


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

KBShimmer A Real Ore Deal, March 2025 Polish Pickup

Press Sample

True life: I am tired. I had the worst nail break and it left me completely unmotivated to do my nails. I wore a bunch of plain colors as it grew out and these photos were taken 28 days after my break and my nails are still so short! Then you guessed it, I got the flu. One of my students came in with "just a cold" wasn't a cold. I have since sent out very curt emails to students about them not poisoning me. So I barely had the energy to do my nails for like 10 days.  I am so late on posting these, so let's get to it!


Friday, February 7, 2025

Valentine’s Day Ombre Dotticure

 Press Sample

It has been forever since I have done a dotticure. What inspired the initial manicure is that I wanted a dark base. My nails have been so uneven and breaking that I have some shorter nails (and read until the end 😭) and this is when I love to wear dark colors. Then I asked myself, "When will I do Valentine’s Day art?" and that’s when I decided on a deep red for this manicure.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

KBShimmer Night Light, February 2024 Polish Pickup

Press Sample

KBShimmer is here as the Fables and Folklore Polish Pickup arrives on February 7th. This polish is magnetic, multichrome, and shimmery, so let's check it out.


Monday, January 27, 2025

Stella Chroma Twisted in Bedsheets, February 2024 Polish Pickup

Press Sample 

Stella Chroma is back at Polish Pickup for 2025! She took a little break but she is coming back with a stunning color that is that wish for spring and warmer weather. So let's get to the details!