Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Zoya Wanderlust Comparisons

Press Sample

Before I stash away the Zoya Wanderlust collection and focus on other summer collections, I wanted to share a few comparisons in this heavy pink collection. When Zoya releases so many colors, it's easy to say hmmmm, isn't that like this one? Well, I've done what I think are the closest colors so let's see who is a dupe!

Zoya Wanderlust Comparisons

I did two coats for an equalizer for each polish.

First up are the purples! 

Index: Tina
Middle: Lois (from Wanderlust). Already you can see Lois is a brighter and more deep purple.
Ring: Liv
Pinky: Audrina. These last two have way more pink in them. In the bottle, I thought for sure they would be a dupe, but I was wrong!
Zoya Tina, Lois, Liv, and Audrina

Zoya Tina, Lois, Liv, and Audrina

Again, another similar in the bottle situation. Cora is much more opaque and more orange while Elodie is more jelly and probably needed one more coat. 

Index and Ring: Cora (Wanderlust)
Middle and Pinky: Elodie

Zoya Cora and Elodie

Zoya Cora and Elodie

Pink explosion. I have way too many Zoya pinks!

Index: Zoya Esty, has a slight shimmer (Wanderlust)
Middle: Zoya Byrnn
Ring: Zoya  Byrdie (Wanderlust)
Pink: Zoya Lara

While they are all slightly different, I'm not sure I need all of them!

Zoya Esty, Byrnn, Byrdie, and Lara

Zoya Esty, Byrnn, Byrdie, and Lara

Zoya Sonja was a standout for my in this collection.  Much sadness when I noticed it's literally the same as Zoya Dixie. Can you find a difference? Beyond a little bit more careful application, Dixie is pretty much Sonja. I wonder if they look different in sunlight because even on the site, they look similar.

Index and Ring: Sonja (Wanderlust)
Middle and Pinky: Dixie

Zoya Sonja and Dixie

Zoya Sonja and Dixie

And last are the shimmers.

Index and Pinky: Myrta. This one is way more orange.
Middle: Journey: strawberry red
Ring: Mandy: pink

None of these are dupes!
Zoya Myrta, Journey, Mandy

Zoya Myrta, Journey, Mandy

Well, there you have it! Yes, some colors are similar but only Sonja has an exact dupe. Otherwise, they are different. I guess it depends how much you like pink!

Zoya Wanderlust Collection is available HERE on their web site. The collection retails for $10 each or you can grab the entire sampler for $120. Keep watching Zoya's social media, as they frequently have sales. 

Zoya: SHOP, Facebook, Instagram. Zoya is *BIG10 FREE*

Products in the post were provided for honest review.  

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  1. Great comparisons. I thought for sure there would be pink dupes.

    1. I thought so too. They are very close though. I don't need them all.

  2. Oh wow, I'm surprised that Sonja and Dixie are practically the same shade! It's pretty but I don't see needing both!

    1. I wonder if it's just my skin tone making them appear that similar? But really, they look the same.

  3. Nice comparisons. Sonja and Dixie really look exact.

    1. Right? And I loved Sonja so much! I would say it's a tad more opaque than Dixie.

  4. I love comparison posts! This is a great one.

    1. This collection looked like a lot of dupes, so it was needed!

  5. I know this is super time consuming, but man, so greatly appreciated!

    1. Thank you! I did them because it was requested in my swatch post! It's hard to see what you need when there's so many pinks!

  6. You have a new follower. Thank you so much for posting the comparisons. I was just going to order Sonja but I'm glad I saw this since I already have Dixie. When I first saw the purple post on IG I thought it was only 2 different polishes. Now I can see the difference in all 4. I was loving the ring and pinkie finger colors and I found your blog to see what they were. Turns out I have both Liv and Audrina. This is so helpful.

    1. Hi there and welcome to my blog! Sonja does seem so unique so I was super surprised to look through my stash and find Dixie. Sonja might have a better formula but the colors pull exact on my skin! Audrina is a long time zoya favorite of mine! Liv has a better formula. It's all preference. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Thank you for this post!! I have Liv on my wishlist but I already have Audrina and I haven't found many swatches online of Audrina so thank you, thank you, thank you!! I'm going to take Liv out of my list and put in Lois instead! :)

    1. Of course! I try to do comparisons whenever possible. I've actually posted audrina on my blog but not swatched alone. It's an oldie but one I reach for A LOT. I love it! If you have Audrina, definitely grab Lois over Liv! Happy shopping! :)


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