
Thursday, February 23, 2023

Stella Chroma Make It Rain, March 2023 Polish Pickup

 Press Sample

Hello everyone! I am very excited because Stella Chroma makes her return to Polish Pickup after a few months off. And she is back with the most glorious color, that I have already worn twice! I used it in my Mardi Gras abstract art and my Mardi Gras leopard print. And honestly, I'll probably use it again for St. Patrick's Day. It is the perfect green, so do not miss out!


"STELLA CHROMA is back to PPU and March’s Rainy Days theme. I took an out of the box approach to this month and chose to be inspired by making it rain… dollar bills that is!"

I love a creative take on a theme! I literally laughed out loud when she told it to me!

Make It Rain has a base of bold, gleaming green with a shimmer that glints from yellow to blue. For a bit of extra bling, there are holographic flakies. Each 15 mL bottle will be $13.50. 

Make It Rain: 3 coats plus top coat. Because my nails are longer, I have the smallest amount of visible nail line so I opted for third thin coat. I also like the dimension of the third coat gave. You could go with thicker coats but it depends how you like to polish. Personally I prefer thin coats because I feel like it dries faster.

I love this polish! The gold flecks are stunning and I love that surprise shift of the blue. I feel like it is so obvious in person. As I took photos, I was like wowwwww. It's not as obvious in photos but I promise it is there. I just wore this for two different arts and it is so pretty!

The sun came out again. Like wow! So I ran outside and grabbed some pics to show off the glowy nature of the polish. The holo flecks are just enough sparkle but don't detract from the shimmer. It's all around a great green! And it looks amazing in the sunlight and shade!


This polish is available March 3rd through March 6th in the Polish Pickup shop. Shipping starts at $4 in the US and at cost to Canada.


  1. This is the first and only color on my wish far. I love green . You do an amazing job of showing how gorgeous this shade is. I might also need a back up bottle. Thanks for sharing 💚💚💚

    1. You are going to LOVE IT!! I can't stop wearing it and I know I will bring it back out in March too. I might need to order a backup bottle too! Thank you for your kind words!


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