Monday, December 18, 2017

Chanukah Plaid Nail Art with Beauty Big Bang 05 Plate

Partial Press Sample

As Chanukah winds down, I wanted to share just one more manicure with you! My friend was posting all sorts of awesome plaid manis and I had already planned a red and green one and said, hey! Why not a blue and gold themed one? I had the perfect Beauty Big Plate that I was saving to use for a manicure this week, so I pulled it out for double duty!

Chanukah Plaid Nail Art with Beauty Big Bang 05 Plate

Here's the plate that I've used. Three of the images are totally non-holiday specific so you can use it all year long. This plate is currently on sale for 59 cents. Yes, you read that right! SO click HERE and use MICH10 for 10% off this already cheap plate!

Chanukah Plaid Nail Art  with Beauty Big Bang 05 Plate

I started with a base of A England Spirit of the Moors, which is one of my very last untrieds in my collection. I think I've come to the realization that A England hates me, as it chipped the next day. :(

I then did some layered stamping, purposely not even trying to line them up, with Girly Bits Silver Bells and Color Club Zero Below (or something like that).

Chanukah Plaid Nail Art  with Beauty Big Bang 05 Plate

Chanukah Plaid Nail Art  with Beauty Big Bang 05 Plate

Chanukah Plaid Nail Art  with Beauty Big Bang 05 Plate

I can see myself using this plate throughout January, since it isn't too holiday specific. 3 of the images can definitely be used all year long! This Christmas pattern stamping plate is $0.59. I seriously would not pass up such an amazing deal!! With my discount code, MICH10 for 10%, you can't beat that deal!

Beauty Big Bang: SHOP, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube

Products in the post were provided for honest opinion.

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