
Monday, May 13, 2024

Stella Chroma Swiftie Layering

 Press Sample 

When I posted the newest Stella Chroma In My Swiftie Era collection, I mentioned that I would share later on layering two of the colors. If you missed that post, make sure you head to it to see the gorgeous colors! I wanted to separate the posts because not everyone reads lol and I did not want someone to think this was one polish if I grouped it together with the swatch post, so let's take a look!

In the original Stella Chroma post, I also mentioned that I was honored with an award at my university for the work I do with students. It was really amazing. To honor me (and the graduating seniors and honors inductees---it was not only for me!), there was a lovely event at a banquet hall so of course I dressed up! It was a beige floral dress with hints of blue and orange. So this look was perfect!

As soon as I saw Silent Scream (flake) and Never Mine (matte creme), I knew they would be a perfect match! Then I realized they completely matched my dress. I love that Silent Scream adds a bit of sparkle. I did not want to wear a glitter or holo. I just wanted that hit of sparkle.

I took horrible pictures at the event. You would think I would have gone home, taken off the dress, and posed with it there LOL. But either way, you can see the blues that I pulled from the dress. There is also oranges and yellows, and I wore perfectly matching orange heels and it was awesome. I got a lot of compliments.

The In My Swiftie Era collection is available now! I highly suggest layering these two!

Stella Chroma: Shop, Facebook, Instagram

Products in the post were provided for honest review.

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  1. Great polishes. Lovely dress. Orange heels😍. You are definitely a fashionista . Congrats on being honored. I'm sure you do amazing work. When will we be addressing you as Dr.?? Thanks for sharing💜

    1. I took some awful photos that night haha but I loved my outfit, thank you! Thank you for the congrats. I was so elated they chose to honor me. The goal is August 2025! It all depends if I can keep up momentum.


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