
Sunday, January 28, 2024

Penguins with Coffee Nail Art

 Press Sample 

Hi y’all. I succumbed to whatever sickness is going on around here and it wiped me out for a good 10 days. In fact, as I am writing this, I am still ill. But I had this nail art on for a while and so I wanted to share before we head into February. Of course, my sickness derailed my Valentine’s Day nail art plans so there will probably only be a couple looks which is super disappointing. Maybe I’ll make February the month of love and just do Valentine’s Day looks throughout. 


My inspiration was the perfect winter animal, the penguin. They are just so cute and I really wanted penguins on my nails. Originally I wanted to do candy canes and do this for a Christmas look but instead changed it up with coffee mugs. I was also inspired when I did my Christmas nail art round up and saw that I had done these penguins 10 years ago. How cute are they?


Here are the colors I used. I pulled out some super oldies!

  • Base: Stella Chroma Stracciatella
  • Black: Stella Chroma New Moon
  • Blues: Zoya Dory, Morgan Taylor Blue-Eyed Beauty, Zoya Walker, KBShimmer Harbor a Crush
  • White: KBShimmer White Here White Now 
  • Orange: Stella Chroma Bye Fall-icia 
  • Silver: Morgan Taylor Ice or No Dice 

For full disclosure, the base color Stracciatella is super old so I had to thin it in order to use it. This doesn’t bother me as this polish is from 2016. I absolutely love this white with black flecks and Pam said she might bring it back reformulated as the original flecks were discontinued. Yes, please! Originally, I was going to stamp white snowflakes on the mugs, but I did this when the illness was starting to set in so I did a quick heart with a metallic color!

My penguins were a big hit, especially at urgent care, LOL. Hope you enjoyed my last wintry look!

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Products in the post were provided for honest review.

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