
Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Turtle Tootsie Pet Peeve Collection, Swatches and Review

Press Gift

When I hosted a tutorial table at Indie Expo Canada, many brands donated their products after to those who hosted. As I watched people grab all the holos, I really went for liquid latex and top coats. I mean, I go through those the most! As a self-taught nail artist, I gravitate toward cremes for crisp nail art. I saw these dusty cremes out of the corner of my eye, and said hello to mama. Call me crazy but I love a good crème over a holo. This also is my first real experience with Turtle Tootsie Polish (beyond the mini in the Indie Expo VIP bag), so I think this was a great first start!

I have to say that I truly feel most of these are two coaters. I did avoid swatching these (and many other cremes) for as long as possible, due to the horrific humidity. I find it plays around with leveling. I would do two coats and one nail would need another, so I just did three to be consistent.

Don't Touch My Stuff: 2 coats. This is a purple-based pink with dustiness to it. That is the theme of this collection, dusty cremes! I dig that!

Don't Touch My Stuff

Don't Touch My Stuff

Tailgating Makes Me Drive Slower: 3 coats. This is a dusty creamsicle color. It gives me a bit of lobster hands, but I don't even care one bit. I love this orange!

Tailgating Makes Me Drive Slower

Tailgating Makes Me Drive Slower

Turn Off The Lights: 3 coats. What can I say about this dusty yellow color?! It's awesome! It's got a hint of green to it, so it's like a lime green with dustiness. How awesome is it?!

Turn Off The Lights

Turn Off The Lights

There, They're, They Are, Their...Use Proper Grammar: 3 coats. This is a sage green, but there's just enough brightness so that it's not too dreary. I do like this green a lot!

There, They're, They Are, Their...Use Proper Grammar

There, They're, They Are, Their...Use Proper Grammar

Your Car Needs ONE Space, Not Two!: 3 coats. This is a dusty yet also bright blue creme. I really like the tone of this blue.

Your Car Needs ONE Space, Not Two!

Your Car Needs ONE Space, Not Two!

Don't Call Me! Text Me!: 3 coats. (def a 2 coater normally). This is a dusty purple polish. It's pulling a bit more blue-toned in my photos, but it's definitely purple. I love the dusty quality of it.

Don't Call Me! Text Me!

Don't Call Me! Text Me!

Cover Your Mouth When You Cough: 2 coats. This is a purple-toned chocolate brown color. I think this nicely rounds out the collection with all the pastel-y rainbow colors.

Cover Your Mouth When You Cough

Cover Your Mouth When You Cough

The polishes retail for $9 each. There also seems to be a shimmer collection in the same color palette as well and they are super pretty! Overall, I'm loving the dusty coloring of these cremes. Come back tomorrow for my nail art with it!

Turtle Tootsie Polish: SHOP, Facebook, Instagram

Products in the post were gifted for honest opinion. 

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  1. What a lovely set of cremes! I like that they are more muted colors.

    1. That’s definitely what drew me to them. I love dusty cremes.

  2. I agree with you: creams are more versatile than holos. And I too love dusty cremes. This is a beautiful collection. The green with the super long name and Cover Your Mouth are my faves

    1. I just love the crisp look of a creme and that’s why I love them for art. Cover your mouth is so unique!

  3. These are beautiful and not the typical creme look. I too love the dustiness of the shades. I'm a fan of the pink, blue, purple and especially Cover Your Mouth since that one is unique.

    1. That’s why these are great. The dusty base makes these special!

  4. I love dusty cremes and these really look fantastic!

  5. Such a pretty collection of cremes! I think Tailgating is my favorite.

    1. Looove tailgating. Who knew creamsicle could be dusty?!

  6. These are gorgeous. Normally I go straight for the purple but I think "Your car needs ONE space, not two" is my absolute favorite!

  7. A dusty yellow?!? That's my kind of yellow! Actually, dusty anything tends to be my kind of colour, haha! I'm like you and gravitate more towards a good cream as well. They may not "dazzle" like a holo, but they are fantastic for nail art!

  8. Haha, I love the name, Don't Call Me! Text Me! because I mean sooo me! Hehe! These looks so nice, and the formula sounds great!

  9. I mean I love as good holo, but cremes will always be my favorite. These look delightful!

  10. These are all gorgeous. And as a DIY nail artist, I too gravitate towards a good, plain creme over other finishes.


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