
Saturday, August 31, 2024

Zoya Tucker, August Color of the Month

Press Sample

Hi all! Meet me shorties. And this is with TWO weeks of growth! That is how short they were. So yes, it is the last day of August and I am showing you the August color of the month. To be fair, this was only sent around August 17th, so it's not like I delayed THAT long. But I hate to be the bearer of bad news...apparently this sold out last night, so I have comparisons!


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

End of Summer Neon Nail Art

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Hello all. Here is an art that I did weeks ago and just did not post it for a really no reason lol. I absolutely love this nail art and it was so simple to do and only use this for colors. I told you this orange from the Zoya Beachy Brights was my favorite and I truly meant it. I absolutely love this orange so let’s check it out. 

Monday, August 26, 2024

Neon Stripes with Zoya Beachy Brights

 Press Sample

Happy first day of the semester to me! I got a notification that I am entering my tenth year at my institution! WOW. Sorry that I keep disappearing. This blog is apparently become my dissertation journey event lol. As I was writing my first three chapters, I realized I had actually hit the next milestone in my journey. So I hunkered down and made it official and last Thursday, it was approved. Now I can head towards the next mile stone, which is probably the most crucial one as it will allow me to get approval by the university to do research on human subjects (which sounds really creepy, but I am conducting interviews haha). 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Stella Chroma New Nail Care Scents

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Well, I stink. I’ve had these scents for a while, and I kept forgetting to do an official post. You know that I am very particular with my scents and that many of them trigger me like no other so when Stella Chroma sent over all of her brand new scents which we were released in May as a temporary selection, I was excited to smell them all and give my honest opinion. Y’all know I don’t sugarcoat on this blog and I will tell you what’s up. I have a Stella Chroma cuticle oil in my purse, in my desk at work, in my side table by my bed. I love her formula. It is oily without being so greasy. It soaks in so nicely! So yea..let's check out the scents!

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Zoya Beachy Brights Comparisons

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It's comparison time. Doing these is not only great for you, but it helps me purge! If I kept every sing polish, I would need like 25 helmers. No thanks. Plus helmers have doubled in priced! So let’s take a look!


Friday, August 16, 2024

Zoya Beachy Brights 2, Summer 2024

 Press Sample

Soooo hi! I swatched these like six weeks ago, sigh. After I completed my summer courses in mid-July, I went full mode into dissertation writing while also sick. So I have been going full force into my dissertation before I start back up with classes. So today I am sharing the newest collection from Zoya, which is an extension of last year‘s Beachy Brights, which were six mini-sized Zoya nail polishes. Five of those colors appear in this collection, but in full size. One of the colors did not reappear and I have no idea why so let’s take a look. Of course I will have some quick and dirty comparisons. I have been using these so much! I LOVE this collection so let's check it out.  


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Neon Purple Nails with Rainbow Flakes

Press Sample

Ok well, I disappeared for a bit...continue reading for life updates. I swear that I get sick every single season now. I was sick again and having coughing fits, but I didn’t want naked nails because sometimes they break so much easier. For details on these nails and my life, continue reading!