
Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Happy New Year! Stamped Snowflakes ❄️

 Press Sample

Hello and welcome to 2024! As I predicted, I knew I would want to take some time off from the blog. In fact, I did not do my nails from December 30 until January 7. I wanted to see if I did a week of treatments then maybe my nails on my right hand would grow out. Well, they did not. Instead, I broke them all some more. Nothing seems to be working to get my nails to grow out on my dominant hand. Oh well!

So this past weekend, we were supposed to have our big winter storm. Well, that meant nothing as all we got was a few flurries, and nothing stuck. I was really looking forward to maybe two or three inches of snow. So Sunday night, I sat down and decided to put the snow on my nails, since it doesn’t seem to want to come to where I live. Also, my cuticles might look a little red because I swatched polishes that severely stained my nails and cuticles and did a full manicure after and cut my cuticles in some places. Oops. I also think the pale blue brings out the red tones a bit.


I thought about doing different holos, glitters, and sparkles and reversed stamping. But then I was over complicating everything and I am trying to keep my life simple for 2024. So I ended up using just two colors.

  • Base: Morgan Taylor Wrapped in Satin, 3 thin coats. You could do 2 thicker coats, but I prefer thin coats especially when I know I am going to be stamping and do not want to use an extra coat of topcoat.
  • Stamping: Morgan Taylor Blue-Eyed Beauty (love a regular polish that stamps!)
  • Plate: Born Pretty Christmas L002 (side note: I actually looked at Born Pretty's website for the first time in years, and looks like they now have a major focus on gel and dipping powder, and they only have nine plates on their website. That’s a disappointment because I always loved shopping for affordable plates through them.)


I went through a bunch of blues, but decided on the super pale, shimmery blue. I also looked through a lot of my different snowflake images, but ultimately wanted one that did not cover up so much of the base. I also liked these sort of stringy snowflake lines.

I have not stamped in months, so it kind of felt nice to start with a stamped look especially because I did not really have the energy to do line work with snowflakes

After seeing my nails in this post, they are definitely way too long. So my time off from polishing benefited my left hand as they grew a ton but I just kept breaking my right hand nails. I will be trimming after I remove this nail art.

Hope you had a wonderful start to the new year!

Products in the post were provided for honest review.



  1. I love the snowflakes. The colors are perfect. We had our first blast of snow last night and it will stick because our temps are falling to -35°C . Unheard of where I am. We usually have snow in November. Your nails look lovely and long. My nails don't grow too fast in the winter except my pinkies seem to grow twice as strange. Thanks for the amazing (as always) manicure.

    1. Hi Tami! -35?!? Oh my. We had flurries but nothing stuck. I just want a little snow! My left hand grows nicely, but my dominant, ugh. Maybe I am too rough? I agree though; pinky nails grow so fast!

  2. Beautiful manicure! :-) I agree with you, it's a pity that BornPretty doesn't create more stamping plates because those that I have work perfectly and are full of beautiful patterns :-) Happy New Year!!! :-)


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