
Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Stella Chroma Constellations II: Cygnus and Cassiopeia

Press Sample

Happy Tuesday everyone! I'm here with the new Constellation polishes from Stella Chroma. In November, Stella Chroma debuted three magnetic flake multichrome polishes, which you can check out HERE.  All three of these are still available, AND NOW, you can grab two more! I feel like SC was one of the first brands to release these flake multichromes, and they are just so pretty. I love looking at the stars too! For the first time, I saw the Big Dipper in NYC due to the Blackout 2019! So cool! Ok, so let's get to these pretties. I have a coupon code too! 😉

Magnetic Polishes 101: For these, you can choose to layer one coat of the polish over a creme polish, or do 2-3 coats on their own. I chose to do these on their own. I did one coat normally, then one nail at a time, I did a coat of the polish, and used a magnet over each one. It sounds like it'll take a while but it is quick. I used a bar magnet on my inner nails and a ring magnet on my outer nails.

Cygnus: 3 coats plus top coat. Magnetized on 2, 3, and top coat coats. This "is a dreamy shifty shade that moves from teal to fuschia to blue. Those shifty flakies are packed into the same black jelly base as the other Constellations polishes." I feel like the shift is so obvious in person, but they sort of "hid" for my camera. But not really. You can clearly see the see to the fuchsia in my photos. I have them taken in OTT lighting, direct sun, and shade. I love these polishes because every time you move your hand, you see a new color!

Stella Chroma Constellations II: Cygnus and Cassiopeia

Stella Chroma Constellations II: Cygnus and Cassiopeia

Stella Chroma Constellations II: Cygnus and Cassiopeia

Stella Chroma Constellations II: Cygnus and Cassiopeia

Stella Chroma Constellations II: Cygnus and Cassiopeia

Stella Chroma Constellations II: Cygnus and Cassiopeia

Cassiopeia: 3 coats plus top coat. Magnetized on 2, 3, and top coat coats. "This beauty consists of red-green-yellow shifting magnetic flakies suspended in a black jelly base." Well, Gemini originally was my favorite for its beauty and well, because I'm a Gemini. But now, Cassiopeia has just won as my favorite of the constellation polishes. They definitely have similar vibes, but Gemini is a green-brown base. I just love how this polish is like autumn leaves and then there's a pop of lime green shift. It's a stunner. I ended up wearing this one after I swatched because I love it so much.

Stella Chroma Constellations II: Cygnus and Cassiopeia

Stella Chroma Constellations II: Cygnus and Cassiopeia

Stella Chroma Constellations II: Cygnus and Cassiopeia

Stella Chroma Constellations II: Cygnus and Cassiopeia

Stella Chroma Constellations II: Cygnus and Cassiopeia

Stella Chroma Constellations II: Cygnus and Cassiopeia

These two will be available as a discounted set at $22 from 7/19-8/2, then individually at regular price. These two will release July 19th.

You can use the non-affiliate code of EHMKAY for 15% off too! 


  1. I really like the magnetic effect on these, it's as though they have larger sparkly particles than other magnetics I've seen!

    1. Yes exactly! That’s what makes these so special. So sparkly and much larger flakes!

  2. You got some great shots showing off the color shift.

  3. I love that you were able to capture the shift in your photos! These are so pretty!


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