
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Alter Ego Unakite, April CoTM

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We're pushing through the first week of April. I hope your month is off to a good start and you didn't experience any pranks! April 2nd means I have one month of classes left to teach. WHAAATT?! Anyway, I have Alter Ego's April color of the month and it's so pretty! With all the events happening, you might want to budget in this color!

Alter Ego Unakite, April CoTM

Unakite: 3 coats plus top coat. This is a khaki-olive green color with holo sparkle and a strong pink shimmer. I really appreciate that Cynthia is not afraid to play with new colors! This is unique in my stash and I love it! It's like one of the colors you'd find in camouflage. No lobster hands either. The shimmer and sparkle is really prominent and pops off the base color. I love it. The minute I unwrapped this, I went oOOoohhhhh!

Alter Ego Unakite, April CoTM

Alter Ego Unakite, April CoTM

Loving this in the sun! There's a perfect amount of holo sparkle that it doesn't detract from the shimmer and base color. It's really very beautiful. I love the pink shimmer off the olive base.

Alter Ego Unakite, April CoTM

Alter Ego Unakite, April CoTM

Alter Ego Unakite, April CoTM

Unakite retails for $10 per 17 mL bottle! You can use the code ehmkay nails for an extra 20% off! I love this unique color and it's definitely one of my favorite more recent Alter Egos.

Alter Ego Body Care Products: SHOP, Facebook, Instagram

Products in the post were provided for honest opinion.

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  1. what a very unique olive green shade. I like how it's named too

    1. Yes! The stone is really natural and beautiful!

  2. I'd love this shade as an eyeshadow actually.

  3. Very pretty murky-type green. I love those colors!

  4. Love the purple/magenta in the shimmer aspect of it!

  5. This seems new for AE! I love the pink shift in it!

  6. This color is so unique and interesting. Plus I love shades of green right now!

  7. Son of a B I NEED this polish now. Unakite is probably my favorite stone...

    1. Hi Janine, I am happy to send this along to you for cost of shipping. If you would like it, please email me! (contact me tab up top has my info!)


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