
Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Welcome to 2019 Nail Art

Press Sample

Welcome to 2019! New Year's Eve is not a holiday I obsess over but today is a new year with whatever goals you may want. I totally rocked my 2018 resolution! I flossed every day of 2018. Yay to dental health! I keep it low key with my resolutions. But let's talk about blog resolutions...

Welcome to 2019 Nail Art

 First, let's talk about blog goals. I've sort of given up on "growing" and trying to focus on just sharing my love of nail polish and nail art. It's tough to see hard work go into my posts and get like 20 likes on Instagram. What gives? There's no growth. I have way less followers on my personal instagram (which is only for people I know), but get triple the amount of likes on my posts. So again, trying to focus on sharing the love of products and not focusing on numbers.

Secondly, I'm really going to commit to some blogging breaks. I did 20+ posts a month in 2018 which is nice, but I do need to settle on a week off here or there for my sanity.

Lastly, I really want to do more nail art. I got really bogged down with swatching and doing individual polish posts. You'll see I've combined Polish Pickup into one post instead of 6+ posts. It allows me time to get back into art.

Welcome to 2019 Nail Art

Welcome to 2019 Nail Art

On to the polish and details of the art! I started with a base of two coats of Stella Chroma Rose Til Champagne.  This was part of the Limited Edition Winter 2018 Duo which is no longer available.

On my inner nails, I outlined 2019 in Stella Chroma Axe Fight and used sequins from Beauty Big Bang in silver and gold inside the numbers.

On the outer nails, I used Beauty Big Bang XL 033, which I reviewed HERE. I originally planned on doing this as a separate mani and then decided to combine it! I stamped the upper left image in black and then colored in the stars in Stella Chroma May the Schwarz Be With You and Snowy Evening. I top coated everything and well, I love it!

Welcome to 2019 Nail Art

Welcome to 2019 Nail Art

Metallics are stunning in the shade. Just look at how the colors pop in the shade. Perfect way to wear my nails to start the new year.

Welcome to 2019 Nail Art

Welcome to 2019 Nail Art

Welcome to 2019 Nail Art

Stella Chroma: Shop, Facebook, Instagram
Beauty Big Bang: SHOP, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube 

You can use MICH10 for 10% off your Beauty Big Bang order. Use EHMKAY for 15% off Stella Chroma purchases.

Products in the post provided for honest review. 

Ehmkay Nails on Facebook.
Ehmkay Nails on Instagram.
Ehmkay Nails on Pinterest.
Follow Ehmkay Nails with Bloglovin


  1. I totally understand needing a break! I don't know how well I'm going to keep up in 2019 but I'm working my way through my Purge (and it HAS to be done this year!) so we'll see!

    I love your nail art posts so this is exciting!

    1. I think it’s just important to set reasonable goals for blogging these days. It’s not like 2012 when I started and that’s okay. Nail art is my love and I feel January has been successful so far!

  2. Wow! So much detail! I applaud anyone who can get 20 blog posts out in a month. Or even a year. lol. I really struggle with it. Ive found that I enjoy taking photos for instagram but the writing part for my blog has gotten more tough for me over the years. I'm also transitioning interests so I see my likes dip drastically over the year as I show more fitness and health and less beauty. I feel ya, it feels like a uphill battle sometimes. But I still wanna try...kinda! LOL

    1. All we can do is try. Seems I already did 20 this month without trying but I’m happy with my balance of art. I also want to feature more makeup that I buy because why not?,

  3. 20 a month is a lot! I used to do daily blogging and honestly now I wonder how in the world I ever did that! I've loved seeing your art, and your swatches are always fabulous as well. I totally mean what you get about getting to busy with them. December I tried to do more art and I noticed a difference on IG which I havent seen in years so I need to do art more, plus I enjoy it! IG really has put a dampner on things hasn't it. I've wanted to switch and do more lifestyle but that just doesn't take on IG but on ther blog it does so IDK! LOL, well I'll still be reading and enjoying your posts! Hope your 2019 is off to a fab start!

    1. I don’t know how people do it every day. I love to wear my art as I’m sure you do too. Once I started swatching art, I was like nope. I’ve enjoyed the art I’ve done in 2019 so I hope this means a great year to come!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you. Rose til champagne is a favorite color of mine.

  5. This is an awesome mani, the base color and stamping are perfect!


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