
Wednesday, October 3, 2018

6 Harts Life from Destruction, Disorder and Chaos, October Polish Pickup

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Another Polish Pickup for you today and this time from Fifth Element. This is such a fun movie! I've seen it so many times and their costumes are super unique and fun. So I love that Courtney was inspired by Zorg's green/orange shifty outfit and made that her polish! This one has a cap, so if you want it, best to add it to your wish list before it goes for sale tomorrow morning!

6 Harts Life from Destruction, Disorder and Chaos, October Polish Pickup

Life from Destruction, Disorder and Chaos: 2 coats plus top coat. This is a green-based polish with rose to green shifting shimmer and a smattering of gold and peach flakes. It's one of those murky greens that are super unique. I can't wait to pull this out for Halloween and Frankenstein manicures. It's such a perfect autumn green. Like when the leaves just start to fall.

6 Harts Life from Destruction, Disorder and Chaos, October Polish Pickup

6 Harts Life from Destruction, Disorder and Chaos, October Polish Pickup

In direct sun, you can see the gorgeous green shimmer and how it shifts to an orange shimmer.

6 Harts Life from Destruction, Disorder and Chaos, October Polish Pickup

6 Harts Life from Destruction, Disorder and Chaos, October Polish Pickup

6 Harts Life from Destruction, Disorder and Chaos, October Polish Pickup

6 Harts Life from Destruction, Disorder and Chaos, October Polish Pickup

Life from Destruction, Disorder and Chaos will retail for $10 and there's a cap of 75 polishes, so be quick! This beauty will be available October 5th-8th. Are you enjoying the creative villains in this theme?!

Polish Pickup: SHOP, Facebook
6 Harts: SHOP, Facebook, Instagram

Products in the post were provided for honest opinion. 

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  1. This one is already on my wish list, I can’t resist murky olive greens. And the shimmer in this is gorgeous!!

    1. It’s super unique! I’m a murky green fan too!

  2. This is such an unusual shade. I've never worn one like this. It really looks pretty on your nails.

    1. And that’s what I love! I love never before seen colors!

  3. The golden green glow is really different and pretty!

  4. I love that gold glow from within! It takes the olive to another level.

  5. Ohhh that’s a really unique shade! I love the shift!


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