
Saturday, August 18, 2018

Fair Maiden Siren-ade, Indie Expo Canada 2018 Exclusive

Nothing to Disclose

I was awaiting a swatch package, but I didn't want to leave my nails bare. I find I have the dumbest breaks when I have no polish on. So I pulled out one of my purchases from Indie Expo Canada. When I saw previews of this polish, I knew I wanted to stop by the booth and check it out. Well, it won me over and came home with me!

Fair Maiden Siren-ade, Indie Expo Canada 2018 Exclusive

Siren-ade: 3 coats plus top coat. I have no idea how to describe this color! Depending on the lighting, it looks like a sage green, a pale blue, or a light lavender. It sort of changes based on its mood haha. But this is very much a mermaid polish. The color is loaded with a violet shimmer, holo glitter, and glowing flakes. I think what drew me to purchase this was the unique base color. I love wearing pale colors, and I was really feeling this one. The boyfriend loved this color too!

Fair Maiden Siren-ade, Indie Expo Canada 2018 Exclusive

Fair Maiden Siren-ade, Indie Expo Canada 2018 Exclusive

Fair Maiden Siren-ade, Indie Expo Canada 2018 Exclusive

In the sun to show off the bits of holo. It's just a nice amount of sparkle and doesn't overpower the shimmer and base. 

Fair Maiden Siren-ade, Indie Expo Canada 2018 Exclusive

It really is very mermaid and siren-like. So soft and pretty. 

Fair Maiden Siren-ade, Indie Expo Canada 2018 Exclusive

Now don't be mad. I realize you cannot buy this one since it was exclusive to the event. But you can always do an ISO in sales groups! Plus I feel like this type of shimmer and flake combo is a favorite of FM, so you can browse their site for something similar!

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  1. I really like polishes such as this that look different in every light!

  2. This looks so pretty! I like the flakies in it!

  3. Such w unique polish.. love how it looks different in different lights. Absolutely amazing


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