
Monday, June 4, 2018

Girly Bits Addicted to Love, June Hella Handmade Creations

Press Sample

Girly Bits has a gorgeous offering for the June Hella Handmade Creations. If you forgot, HHC has changed its format where each maker chose a theme for their polishes, and will continue that theme for as long as they would like.  They polishes will be available for a one week window. Girly Bits has chosen Harry Potter as their theme.

Girly Bits Addicted to Love, June Hella Handmade Creations

Addicted to Love: 2 coats plus top coat. This is a lavender, almost pink, holo polish with a violet shimmer loaded with shifting iridescent flakes. This is based on a scene in Harry Potter where Hermoine and Ginny are looking at love potions. I'm not a fanatic, but I've seen the picture, and the color of the polish is the color of the aura that surrounds the scene. It's really pretty and delicate, and definitely a sweet color.

Girly Bits Addicted to Love, June Hella Handmade Creations

Girly Bits Addicted to Love, June Hella Handmade Creations

You can really see how strong the shimmer is below. 

Girly Bits Addicted to Love, June Hella Handmade Creations

Direct sunlight to show off the holo. It's a strong holo but doesn't take away from the color or shimmer.  

Girly Bits Addicted to Love, June Hella Handmade Creations

Girly Bits Addicted to Love, June Hella Handmade Creations

Love at the iridescent pastel flakes in the shade. They really do pop off the polish base and this is a lovey dovey polish!

Girly Bits Addicted to Love, June Hella Handmade Creations

This polish is 5 free and will be available for $13 and you can purchase it during the seven day shopping window June 14th-June 21st. You can purchase all the polishes that participate HERE

Girly Bits: SHOP, Facebook, Instagram 

Products in the post were provided for honest opinion. 


  1. I love this color! Im obsessed with everything she puts out lately!

    1. Same!!! She’s really knocking them out of the park!

  2. this is such a stunning purple to wear!

    1. Definitely wearable for work but special for anyone!

  3. I had a dumb moment and was trying to figure out the specific inspiration so I'm glad to see it explained. Very pretty polish!

    1. I steer clear of using inspiration photos on my blog due to copyright, but she has the photo in her Facebook group. It’s spot on.

  4. The shade image really showcases those flakies! Gorgeous swatch!

  5. What a pretty polish! I love the way it sparkles in the sun.

  6. Too pretty. I was trying to stop buying polish but this might be too hard to resist.

  7. I love this. It is all pink and shifty and flaky... gah!

  8. That is a gorgeous polish. I love the multichromatic details in it.

    1. It tricks the eye, shifting from pink to purple!

  9. I have to say, I'm a quite a fan of the low light look!

  10. This is so pretty!!! I really like that glow in low light, makes a much more fun look for indoors!

  11. Addicted to Love looks amazing! I love the glow.


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