
Friday, May 5, 2017

Ehmkay Nails at Polish Con NYC

Partial Press Sample

Hi all! Unless you're living under a serious boulder, you knew Polish Con NYC happened last Saturday. While I didn't attend as press since I was working a table, my blogger side came running out and I decided to try and do a little press review!

Unfortunately, many tables weren't ready. Some didn't mind and let me take candids (which I love!) and some said no and wanted me to come back, so if you see some missing, that's why. That's the nature of these events! I have a small window to run around to tables and took what I could! Some, I literally just missed :( By the end of the night, many displays were either depleted with stock or destroyed by the hundreds of attendees haha.

So here, first is the venue. If you are local like me, you are probably laughing hard core that you stepped foot into this venue. It's know for its incredibly old, never updated, ridiculously corny commercial that they still air. While the building itself is old and has a lot of history, I don't think it's been refurbished since that commercial. LOL. You can see some of the ornate details on the tiers; they simply need some love!

As you can see, below is set up. I ran through the tables quickly, and the lighting was VERY dim, so I didn't take amazing pictures, but I think you get the gist!

Beauty Judy on the right and me on the left, as crowds began to come in!

First off, the KBShimmer table, where I was working! Look at that ginormous banner! They debuted their neons and multichromes. Also, I've left all the photos big, so give them a click!

Here's Girly Bits, who had an awesome display with sparkles and disco lights. I said PAM, TURN AROUND, and she went with it. This was an awesome display! 

Blush Lacquer! I wish they had a deal, cause honestly, I wanted EVERY SINGLE POLISH. I restrained myself to two. You were able to see and pre-order the collection that's not available until June. The owner was great and helped me narrow my choices haha.

Shannon, at Pahlish. She's adorable and so chill! Pahlish is one of the OG brands, and I always love seeing her. I helped her with reacting the infamous commercial. I love her arched tier set up which I think her husband built!

 Dollish Polish. Fun fact: this was the first indie I ever bought! January 2012. Oh yes. 

Lavish Polish. No one was there so I snapped a pic. I love the light up sign with the brand. 

Noodles Nail Polish! Lots of sparkles and I found out she's a fellow Jersey girl! I ended up grabbing one to try the brand out. She was super sweet! I love when makers are personable. 

Different Dimension was there with all her holos and sparkles!

Cupcake Polish had a few new holos debuting there and lots of great deals!

Nine Zeros display was simple and to the point, and sometimes, I need that. This was a very overwhelming event haha, so I dig the simplicity. 

 Ok I want a light up sign! Colors by Llarowe was there, with an earthy display!

Fleur De Lis Polish! I spent a little time chatting with the owner and New Orleans. I didn't get a chance to go back and shop (insert despair emoji face), but the owner was incredibly sweet and chill to talk to!

Sassy Pants Polish. Guys, I might as well put "didn't get a chance to shop" at most of these. I'm bummed, but my wallet isn't. Check out the bath tubs filled with bath bombs. ADORABLE. 

Flirtin Polish. This was a new to me brand, and I'm happy to see newer brands coming out! I loved their turquoise pants which matches her logo!

Polish My Life. She wasn't there when I stopped by which made me sad cause I found out she's a local like me! Love the cameo logo!

Jesse's Girl! They had a ton of displays filled with their items! I love their polishes! I met Jesse of Jesse's Girl, and his daughter, and I saw Julie G but didn't get a moment, since she was constantly bombarded haha.

Turtle Tootsie. Ok, Chrissy was like can I be in the pic? I'M LIKE PLEASE! How cute is she? She had tons of polishes and scrubs, and wah, I wanted to go back. 

Fair Maiden! They had great deals and I finally grabbed Hemera!

Le Polish. I just snapped this picture really quickly, and they had tons of great polishes!

Octopus Party also had a simplistic design, but came stocked with pretties! 

Anonymous Lacquer, which is always a party to me, just wins me over with her Mardi Gras display. So much love!

Want to see what I did actually buy? It's totally pathetic. But still!

KBShimmer Unicorn Sugar Scrubs, Knotty Girly Sugar Scrub, Knotty Girl Cuticle cream, and One Night Sand. I wanted more polish, but I let others buy first! Well, we sold out of the others I wanted haha, so I have to make a purchase. 

Blush Lacquer Golden Hour and Nerida Singer. These are soooo pretty. Seriously regretting not getting more :(

Noodles Nail Polish Rockefeller Rink. 

Painted Polish Chasing Rainbows, which I have wanted forever. 

Fair Maiden Hemera, also on my want list. The shimmer is crazy!

 I grabbed some minis too.  I'm wearing Daring right now.

And this is Tru Bee Honey cuticle balm, which Pahlish gave me. This is a local to them product and I'm excited to try it out!

So I am a little bummed my catalog got tossed, because I heard there's awesome coupons for attendees haha, but I'll need to make some purchases from brands I didn't get to hit up! 

I hope you enjoyed my unofficial press coverage of Polish Con. Next Con, I'll definitely figure out more timing since I had no experience working an event like this, only covering. I have to give a HUGE PROPS to sellers and makers! This is so much work! Til the next Con which will be September 23 and the Navy Pier!

Some of the products in the post were provided for honest review.  

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  1. Ah these are great pictures! Looks like a fun day. Your haul looks great, hope you enjoy using everything you have bought!

    1. Thank you! I wish I had a bigger haul but time didn't allow it. I also felt overwhelmed with the amount of polish and lack of time! Haha

  2. Thanks for sharing your photos, it looks like it was a lot of fun and I wish I had been able to go. Great set ups by the brands!

    1. It's definitely a cool event! I was super impressed by some of these tables! Just so much creativity in the displays.

  3. I am living vicariously through these pics, they are awesome. It is not often I wish I lived somewhere else - but the polish cons do!!!
    And those Blush polishes...TO.DIE.FOR!!!!

    1. Come visit the US during the Chicago one! Haha. I actually know there were a few Europeans there! I'm totally excited to try out the blushes!

  4. I cant wait until they come to the west coast.

    1. Indie shop is next week! That's in Cali. Our coasts are so big. So east coast in NY isn't close to Florida haha. Traveling is necessary.

  5. Yes! I commented above too, but some people from Europe came! Definitely worth it to make a vacation out of it!

  6. It was such an amazing event, I wish I would be able to make it to Chicago.

    1. The weekend this year works for me (last year I had plans) so I'm looking into it.

  7. Love your roundups! Wish I could have been there

    1. Thank you! You'll have to come to one, at least once!

  8. Gorgeous photos! I'm super sad I didn't get to make it, but y'all have such awesome pictures that it's almost as if I had the chance to go!

    1. Haha I'm glad to bring you into this world a little!

  9. Thank you for your pics and coverage for those of us who couldn't go. I love the picture of you and Judy.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Thank you for including Flirtin'! Much appreciationšŸ˜˜ Love the pics.


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