
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Lisa Frank Inspired Unicorn Rainbow Nail Art

Born in the 1980s, my sister and I were ALL about Lisa Frank. If you don't know who that is, she is my childhood. We would walk around school with our sticker books trading different neon rainbow goodness and it was just awesome. Simply google "Lisa Frank" and your screen will vomit rainbows and unicorns and neon-tinted puppies.

Starting with a base of two coats of Illamasqua Noble, I used a bright but not distracting base for the nail art. I could have stopped at one coat, but went with two out of habit. Using a variety of neon nail polishes, I took my biggest dotting tool and created random dots, some overlapping each other and some going over the tip of my nails. There is no rhyme or reason to this; anyone can do these bubbles. The more random they look, the better. Then with a plain white creme and my thinnest striping brush, I did an outline of the bubble.

Then I created my unicorn using a white, black, and grey creme. I used China Glaze Pink Plumeria mixed with white for the ears and nose. Her horn and mane match the neon bubbles on the surrounding fingers. She reminds me of the colors and unicorns Lisa Frank used to create. Make sure to enlarge the pictures to see more of the detail.

 Unicorn Rainbow Nail Art

 Unicorn Rainbow Nail Art
 Unicorn Rainbow Nail Art
 Unicorn Rainbow Nail Art
Unicorn Rainbow Nail Art

I love being inspired by items from my childhood. It makes for more personal nail art and I usually love the outcome much more.

Do you have a favorite nail art inspired from your childhood?

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  1. These are so awesome! My kiddo will love these when I show her in the morning!

    1. I felt like a kid wearing them; I love the bubbles so much!

  2. Do you mind linking me to the dotting tool you use? I can't find any locally that are big enough to even see! I would love to have one that made dots that size. This is possibly my favorite mani EVER. I'm an 80s baby too. So I am a huge Lisa Frank fan. My daughter still is.

    Would love to see you tackle Rainbow Bright or Smurfs or Fraggle Rock. I think you could totally do it!

    1. April, I got my set off Amazon. One like this:

      Super cheap and came pretty quickly. I also dip my dotting tools into polish that I put on foil instead of dip from the bottle. I will TOTALLY do your suggestions. I think Rainbow Bright has to be next :)


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