
Monday, January 7, 2013

Golden Gradient with Lynnderella Golden Rules

First post of the year, lovelies. It only took me a week. Time off from work has possibly made me a more lazy blogger. I guess when I'm busier, I blog, which makes no sense. I have loads of manicures ready to post, just need to do it. Shall we say New Year's resolution? My real resolution is at the end of this post.

I have been doing tons of glitter bombs and today's post is no exception. I used my final Sheswai and I am slightly sad. They are pricey but very high quality. I used one coat of Sheswai stoned, which is a neutral toned polish which pulls a bit pink of me. It has the slightest silver shimmer which is just enough to make it special. One coat and it's amazing!

I then took Ulta Taupe on a Rope and dabbed on the tips to create a rough gradient. Trust me, you do not need perfection. While you place the glitter over the gradient, it smooths the imperfections. I then placed one coat of Lynnderella Golden Rules. If you didn't know, I was on a December no buy. I actually lasted 30 days until on December 30th, I saw Golden Rules for a steal and I needed it. Worth the breaking of the no buy. Golden Rules has an assortment of gold holographic glitters including diamonds, stars, and huge stars (check out my middle finger!). No digging needed. I'm not one for gold jewelry, but lately I'm loving gold on my nails!

Sheswai Stoned Ulta Taupe on a Rope Gradient with Lynnderella Golden Rules

Sheswai Stoned, one coat

Sheswai Stoned Ulta Taupe on a Rope Gradient with Lynnderella Golden Rules

Sheswai Stoned Ulta Taupe on a Rope Gradient with Lynnderella Golden Rules

Lastly, I don't normally make any resolutions but here's mine: To finish the Ernest Hemingway fiction catalog. I am four novels away (The Torrents of Spring, To Have and Have Not (have only read the original short story), Islands in the Stream, True at First Light). Once I read these four, I have read all of his fiction! Then I will focus on finishing his non-fiction (but I have a ways to go for that). Do you have any reasonable resolutions?

Etsy Shop.

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