
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hare Cumulus Excellence Duo: Rad Cloud and Magic Mist

I recently ordered Magic Mist off of Copious and then NEEDED Rad Cloud to complete the duo (plus, I loved Rad Cloud). I actually got Rad Cloud off Hare's etsy site pretty easily. No rushing, no cart-jacking; I was a happy camper. And I was able to get Magic Mist for only $2 because of Copious!

Today marks my first day teaching at a new, large college. I wanted to do a collegiate mani for the college, but decided to save that for a football game. Instead, I whipped out my new Hares. Please pardon the tip ware. Moving and writing with chalk (can you believe college classrooms still have chalk?! I've been used to whiteboards!) really didn't agree with my nails.

On my left hand I did one coat of OPI Suzi Pedal Faster! topped with one coat of Rad Cloud. Absolute perfection. Great formula and I love the purple and green squares. Then I did an accent nail with one coat of Essie Play Date (this is definitely in my top five cremes) and one coat Magic Mist. Magic Mist was slightly thicker, and because of that, I was a little too heavy handed. I did the reverse manicure on my right hand and you will see much better application of Magic Mist. All in all, I do love this duo and I'm glad they were my first Hares!  My students also looked at my nails like 0_o. They could not even handle the glittery indie polish. Enjoy way too many pictures! You're going to want to click on these to enlarge them.

Artificial Lighting

Artificial Lighting

One coat of OPI Pedal Suzi Faster! and Essie Playdate

One coat of Essie Playdate and OPI Pedal Suzi Faster!

Artificial Lighting

Cloudy day, but direct "sun" light

I really like this inverse look!

Have you tried Copious yet? Click this link to get a free $10 which I used to get my first RBL!

Do you have any Hare polishes? What are your favorites and which should I get next?

ALSO, I have finally hit 100 followers! And I hit 100 on Facebook. I have something in the works for a fantabulous giveaway. Would you prefer one winner or multiple getting one polish each?

I have chains now for all my pendants, so I am now selling necklaces not only pendants! Check it out through my tab on the top or right here


  1. Love this, and I love the reverse look too!

    1. I love the reverse look over just the accent nail so I feel like I am actually using my untrieds!

  2. Aww this is one epic HARE mani! Way too much awesomeness for your students to handle lol!

    1. Epic?! THANKS! Haha they actually asked if it was shatter. I didn't bother saying, actually, it's an indie polish I bought offline. LOL. I would confuse them!

  3. Beautiful! I can't wait to wear these!


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